Year 5-6

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You wake up to the sound of breathing and jump making your pillow grunt. 'Wait, pillows don't grunt' you think to yourself. You chance a look to find a Draco in complete disarray. His normally sleek back blonde hair was messed up and his shirt was wrinkled. You started to get up but strong ropes were holding you down. You looked down to see Draco's arms were wrapped tightly around you and every time you tried to move, he would tighten his muscles to make you stay.

"Dray! I kinda have pee really badly," you say trying to wake him up but got nothing. You grunt and kiss his lips. He open his eyes and growled.

"You aren't going anywhere," Draco growled.

"I have to pee!" You say exasperatedly.

"So?" Draco says.

"Please let me go!" You whine.

"Fine, but you're coming right back here," Draco says.

"Ok," you say removing yourself from his arms. You go to the loo and do you business and come back.

"Good, more cuddling," Draco says excitedly.

"Don't we have classes?" You ask.

"Oh yeah. We have one that you'll gonna be late for," Draco drawls.

"What class?" You ask beginning to worry.

"Cuddling! It's Saturday!" Draco says trying to hold back laughing at your expression.

"I hate you," you say falling asleep again.

After a few hours, you quietly remove yourself from Draco's arms and walk down the halls. You come across a door that appeared right in front of you and opened it. You were greeted by the sight of wands pointed at you and glaring faces of Harry's friends.

"Yn! What are you doing here?" Hermione asks.

"I would ask the same of you," you say.

"We're a privet club practicing real Defence Against Dark Arts. You?" Harry asks.

"I was think of a room to get away from Umbridge. I saw her down the hall," you say.

"She's coming!" A voice squeaked.

"Dobby!?" Harry asked.

"Who's she?" You asked.

"Get them!" Umbridge's voice roared.

"Expeliarmus!" You yelled at a Slytherin cornering you. He flies back as the others crowd you. The privet club Harry started, was staring at you while you single-handedly wiped the floor with the Slytherins.

"ENOUGH!" Umbridge shouts.

"Sectumsempra!" You screamed at a boy. The boy flew backward revealing it to be Draco. "Curare!" You shout at Draco as a light blue light shot out and hit Draco.

"Riddle! In my office! Now!" Umbridge says dragging you down the hall.

Once you got there, Umbridge looks at you.

"How do you know of the club?" Umbridge asks.

"I know nothing of what you ask," you respond in rhyme.

"The D.A. idiot!" Umbridge shouts.

"What is this D.A. you speak of? You ask.

"Dumbledore's Army!"

"Dumbledore's got an army? Cool."

"You're stupid!"

"Nope. Just clueless."

"Marietta, be a good girl and come here," Umbridge says indicating a girl.

"I was in the D.A. but never saw her!" Marietta says.

"I was keeping Ms. Riddle to tell her. That is why she doesn't know," Dumbledore says. "You have showed an excellent array of skills. Who taught you?" Dumbledore asks turning to you.

"My father, sir," you said.

"Give him my accolades and you are free to go," Dumbledore says. You leave and break it to your dorm.

"Why did you attempt to kill me?" Draco asks.

"You tried to hurt me!" You respond.

"Ok. Reminder never hurt Yn. Good to know," Draco says.

"I'm sorry," you apologise.

"I am too. I'm more sorry than you," Draco says.

"Why do you say that?" You ask.

"My choice has been made for me. I am to be a Death Eater," Draco says solemnly.

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