Year 7-5

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. This is where I take things into my own matters. I don't have the best memory so please enjoy my imagination. Love you guys, R. W.

"" the priest finally says.

"ALREADY FINISH!!" Fawkes yelled from your shoulder.

"Wife," the priest then falls over.

"Okay! Now onto dinner," you hear Hermione say as the bridesmaids usher the audience out. You run over to the priest with your heart beating with nerves only to find him fast asleep.

"Are you kidding me?! I run over to see if the priest is dead and he asleep?! I don't believe this!" You shout waking the priest as he jumps up.

"Wassamatter? Who-who are you? Why am I here?" The priest sleepily stutters out.

"Nothing, pastor. Let's get you some food," you say.

The banquette was going well until shadows were turning off the lights.

"You shall never find happiness!" The voice of a woman cackles. You turn to see the same exact woman you saw when you were eleven and got freaked out by her laugh.

"How?" You said aloud.

"Magic!" The woman cackles. She then grabs your arm and you, Harry, Ron, Hermione were transported to a familiar place.

"Bellatrix, have you brought them?" Draco's fathers voice rings out.

"Aye, yes. I have brought them plus two spares. Shall I spare them?" Bellatrix asks.

"Kill the ones we don't need," Draco's father commands.

"Avada Kadavra!" Bellatrix says lazily as she points her wand at Hermione and Ron.

"Yn! No!" Harry screams as you jump in front of them. The light hit you hard knocking you to the ground. You grind your teeth at the impact and realise you haven't died.

"What?" Bellatrix screams in rage.

"You no hurt owner!" Fawkes growls. Then he bursts into flames and a new bird is born. It hops to your side and you place your hand on its head.

"Thanks Fawkes! You saved my life lil' buddy," you thank.

"Then I will kill you myself!" Bellatrix screams. She grabs you and drags you to Draco's room.

"Yn?! Love, I-" Draco starts as he turns to face you.

"Kill her! You've killed many others so this won't be to hard," Bellatrix says. "Though before you to, can you torture her? I'd love to hear her scream!" Bellatrix adds as her eyes lit up like a kid on their birthday.

"I c-can't, I vowed never to hurt her again!" Draco whimpers.

"My, my. A gentleman are you? Fine, I'll do it myself. I just need this room so be off," Bellatrix says.

"I want to be here," Draco says.

"I said go," Bellatrix commands.

"I said no," Draco growls.

"Fine. Crucio!" Bellatrix snarls. You bit your lip. You knew it would make her happy if she got anything but you were determined not to give her that satisfaction.

"Stop! I can't take this anymore!" Draco shouted after a few hours. "I hate you!"

"I never said you would like me," Bellatrix says.

"Help," you whisper since your throat was raw from screaming.

"Crucio!" Draco shouted at Bellatrix.

"Why are you against me?!" Bellatrix cackles releasing you from her spell.

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