Year 4-10

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"What lord is he?" You question. The tall man pushes you towards the Triwizard cup and smiles nastily.

"Oh, you'll see in due time," the man spits back at you. Your hand clasps around the cold handle. You feel the wind knocked out of you as you hurtle to the ground back at the Hogwarts campus. You slam into the grass as the cup rolls out of your hand.

"The winner of the Triwizard Tournament is: YN RIDDLE!" Dumbledore shouts. The Hogwarts students in the stands erupt into cheers so loud it could wake the dead. What'd I see? You thought to yourself. 'You'll see in due time'? What's that s'pose to mean? Your thoughts swirled around your head. Dumbledore gives you the money prize and you numbly walk to the stands.

"Take that, Krum! Hogwarts won, so suck a butt!!!" You hear Ron yell.

"You going to talk with my sister or try to kill her?" Harry's voice asks.

"Talk with her why?"

"I'd kill you if I hear you hurt her. Just because-"

"Hiya Harry!" You interrupt.

"Yn! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Harry screeches. He then hugs you tightly.

"Hi Yn, I was wondering, you know. I was being unfair and didn't listen to you at all," Ron confesses. You were about to answer when Draco walks over.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks.

"I was going to congratulate my girlfriend why?" Draco asks smugly.

"Your dating Yn?! I would think she's need time," Harry says.

"It's fine the breakup was mutual. Ron, you might want to go after Hermione. You'll look great together," you say.

"What about me?!" Harry whines.

"I know just who would die to go out with you!" Hermione says making Ron yelp.

"Who?!" Harry excitedly asks.

"Colin Creevy! I bet he's dying to go out with you!" You all burst out laughing.

"I. Hate. All. Of. You!" Harry grumbles.

"Hey, babe, let's go celebrate!" Draco says tugging your arm.

"Don't hurt Yn or I'll make sure the Crucio curse will be the last thing you'll feel," Harry growls.

"Wouldn't dream of it. As for you..." Draco trails off.

"Draco!" You warn. Draco smiles and kisses you.

*Le time skip brought to you by Harry attacking Draco, the muggle way*

You packed your trunk and was heading down to the train when you get pulled aside by Draco.

"Wanna stay at my house?" Draco asks.

"Don't need to ask," you reply kissing him.

"Ready to start the fifth year?" Draco asks all of a sudden.

"Honestly no, I'm bursting at the seams to finish school already!" You exclaim.

"You okay? You seem muted," Draco says.

"No, I just watched a baby get turned into a tall man talking about a lord," you say.

"The Dark Lord has risen. My father wrote me. He's excited about. Aren't you? I'm on the fence about it all," Draco asks.

"Oh heck no! He killed my parents! My respect for you just dropped to 0% now," you retort.

"WHAT?! NO! WHY?" Draco whines.

"Don't agree with your father or I'll kill you!" You threaten.

"Geez! Okay then!" Draco says raising his hands for defense.

"Good!" you snap.

"I love you?" Draco says, more questioning whether you were going to kill him or not. You kiss him in response and stare out the window.

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