Year 2-2

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You walked down the deserted hallway to the DADA classroom. You're dreading this already. You know Gildroy will talk us to death of his achievements. You enter the classroom and is greeted by rude comments by Slytherin and pretty much all the houses except for Gryffindor.

"Good morning Psychopath!" The classroom choruses. You see Draco looking at the class with disgust written all over his face.

"Why are they calling you psychopath?" Draco asks you, utterly confused.

"It's because of my eyes. They change from e/c to blood red depending on how mad I am," you sigh.

"Wow that's so cool!" Draco yells. "I wish I could do that!"

"Not to the rest of the school." You pick up your text book just as Lockheart lets out a cage of Cornish pixies. The ugly blue things flew about the classroom. One grabbed your wand and started to wave it around, bad move. The pixie screeched as it burst into flame. You caught your wand as Midnight was having fun flying about the classroom chasing the pixies and eating them. "IMMOBILE!" You bellow at the pixies that were not eaten. They all froze and you grabbed all of them with Hermione and crammed them in to the cage. "Midnight, spit them," you command. Midnight growls but does as you asked. The four pixies had post almost eaten disorder and soaked when you picked them up and crammed them into the cage. You pulled the cloak over the cage and pulled a frightened Lockheart out from his desk. Then the bell rang and everybody ran to History of Magic. After the stupid ghost finally shut up, you and Harry all walked to lunch. Draco came up behind and tackled you in a hug.

"Hey, Yn, you doing okay?" Draco asks pulling you aside. You watch a jealous Pansy walk passed us.

"Yeah!" You say hoping Draco would fall for the lie. Truth is, you hate being bullied and you don't want to have Draco worrying about you.

"Oh, okay. Just let me know if you need me. I'm here for you." Draco fell for it. Yes!

"Okay. I'm here for you too," you said. You walked to the table and sat at the end. You ate in silence as you watched Pansy attempting to get Draco to like him. You see she slipped something into his goblet. Unfortunately Crabbe drank from Draco's goblet for he wanted Draco's grape juice.

"I LOVE YOU PANSY! MARRY ME!" Crabbe blubbers out.

"What?! Sure. I'm open to that!" Pansy said. You knew she was going to try to make Draco envious of their relationship. You laughed out loud. Draco looks up at you and smiles back. This moment, you knew the year might be livable.

*le time skip brought to you by Mr. Filch!*

"Oh my Merlin's beard! My CAT!" You heard Mr. Filch yelled as you rounded the corner. You see Filch grab Harry and drag him down the hall.

Help me, sister! I'm gonna die! You heard a voice yell inside your head. You fall to the floor clutching in your head as a splitting headache comes upon you. Your eyes changed to red. You ran to Filch's office. You grabbed Harry and pulled him aside.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks.

"Do you hear a voice? It usually happens near the gated corridor," you ask. Harry's eyes were glued to yours. Harry nodded quickly. Then we both ran to the duel club.

"Welcome to the Duel Club, I will teach you to disarm the opponent. Let's start" Gildroy says. Dad went on to the platform and said Expelliarmus. Lockhart flew down the platform earning laughs from Slytherin and gasps from the girls. "Potter, come to the platform."
Lockheart said, getting up and retrieving his wand. Both You and Harry climb onto the platform. Harry then gets down from the platform as dad says "Malfoy on the platform. I want two Slytherins against each other."

"Expeliarmus!" Draco yelled.

"Protego!" You shout.

"Serpensortia!" Draco shot back as a green snake flew out of his wand. Draco smirks as the snake makes its way to you. You stare into the snake's yellow orbs.

"Don't harm anyone in this school!" You hiss at it.

"What about this Hufflepuff?" The snake asks you. It slithers over to a boy named Justin.

"What did I just say?" You growl as your eyes change to blood red.

"By Merlins beard! She's talking to the snake!" A boy shouts.

"She told it to stay away from anyone at the school!" Harry yelled over the din of panicking students. The students freeze and turn to the platform as you advance towards the snake.

"Leave this world and die! Avada Kedavra!" You say pointing the wand at the snake. Green light flashes from the tip. The whole room goes quiet. You walk and pick up the dead snake and transform it into a dead monarch butterfly. Come back, I want you to begin a life as a butterfly you think. A gold light shoots out of your wand and engulfs the butterfly. When it the light fades, the butterfly flies out of the window.

"Oh my Merlin, she's a Necromancer. We're all doomed!" A Ravenclaw boy screams.

"What did I do? I didn't mean to cause panic!" You protest. Dad grabs your hand and pulls you out of the room.

"Whatever you do, don't you dare show that you have that ability. Okay?" Dad's black eyes were sparkling with anger. You nod quickly, for when Dad gets mad, your days are counted should you chose to make him even angrier. Dad lets you go and brings you back to the classroom. Draco pulls you into his arms.

"That was so cool!" Draco cheered. "I wish I could do that!"

"Yeah I have to admit it was cool, but dad doesn't think so," you groan. "Let's go to potions. I bet I'm gonna be writing a forty page essay. Make it fifty if we're late." Draco nods and we scramble to get to class. The rest of the year went by quickly due to it just being plain and boring. It started to get interesting when a student went missing.

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