Thank You 9-22-16

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Edited February 12, 2017
Hello there! R. W. here! I want to thank every single person who has supported this book and voted and enjoyed it. I also can't believe that just four years ago, I started it and is had like one read and now it's blowing up my phone. I'm sad to say it is a finished book now but l I enjoyed writing this and I love all of the comments that all of you have been writing. I want to thank maxycat101 and AMATswmming2020 for sticking with me and supporting the book. I also want to thank lily_fear  and HannahMalfoy3  because they gave me awesome tips and recommendations. I'm so happy that this book got this far and I am soooo thankful that I now have a finished book. THANK YOU SO MUCH MY LOVELY SLYTHERDORS AND SEE YOU IN THE LAST CHAPTER: THE EPILOGUE-R. W.

P. S: I love your comments. They make my day so much better! Love y'all- R. W.

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