Year 1-4

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Edited February 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You walk into the room to see Draco unpacking his trunk. He looks up to see that you'd entered. You don't speak to him as you unpack your trunks and place your possessions on the desk to the right. Tomorrow is the start classes. You need to get sleep, nod a goodnight, and fall asleep. Dreaming the same dream you have had all your eleven years. Nothing changed in it.

*le time skip brought to you by your sleepiness*

You wake up the next morning feeling grumpy and grim. You look over to Draco who looks as if he didn't sleep even though he's asleep now. You walk to the showers and freshen up. You enter the common room to read before class. You sat next to the fire keeping warm and opened up the potions book to read it over again. You see your Dad come out of the banner/entrance. He sees me and gives me a curt nod. You nod back and hug him. He smiles genuinely and kisses your forehead. Then heads out to start his day of potions. You go up to the room to get your bags because school starts in five minutes. You hear the shower running so you head to the common room to give Draco privacy. Midnight follows you out of the room. You take your spell books to read. The bell rings and the room fills with students. You head to you first class, Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall does name call and looks at you and smiles. It was boring in the end. The next class was Charms. Still boring. The next was Potions. You see your Dad wink at you as he passed your table. Then he quizzes you brother about various uses and differences of two things. You could name them all but took notes as he said it all. Then the class paired up by twos and you were paired with Hermione because no one wanted to pair with her. She was cutting up porcupine quills while you stirred the horned slugs making the cauldron turn green.

"Should I put the quills in now?" Hermione asked. She was going to add the quills.

"Wait until it turns brown, then I'll take it off the fire," you said, repeating the book.

"Can you ask Professor Snape what the potion is for me? I can't remember the name of it," Hermione says.

"Sure!" You turn to ask your Dad something but was interrupted by Neville's partners cauldron melting into a blob. Dad turns to scold them as holes are burned into everything rubber. We stood on our stools as Seamus took Neville to Madam Pomfrey.

"Ms. Potter, would you please restore the room and shoes," my father asks you and you obliged. In a second, the whole room and anything destroyed were completely fixed even the molten metal was again a cauldron. We were told to go back to our potions like nothing happened. Five minutes before the bell kids were already packing up.

"Ms. Granger and Ms. Potter please see me after class," Professor Snape called. You see Hermione open her mouth to object.

"Don't object. He can turn nasty when arguing and I don't want your house to loose anymore points you've already lost two already. Besides, Harry made you loose them," you said as Dad came by.

"Spreading rumors about your Dad, haven't you," Professor Snape says, making you stiffen with embarrassment. Hermione looked stunned at me. Then mouthed he's your father?

"Yeah. He is my Dad,"  you confirm. Hermione looked stunned. We have to stay behind as students leave and go off to lunch.

"Hey want me to stay behind to wait for you?" Draco asks.

"Only if you want to. I'm sure your starving," you said.

"I want to. I'll meet you at the door," Draco said as Harry Potter and Ron Weasly exit. Draco as he's before them sticks his foot out and trip Harry, causing him to fall flat. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle walk out waiting laughing their heads off. Hermione stifles a laugh. You walk over to help your brother up off the floor.

"Are you ok?" You ask.

"Yeah, I guess. That Draco can be such a thorn in ones side," Harry mutters using your hand to push him up. He quickly thanks by hugging me and scurries off to Ron. You walk back to Hermione and Dad.

"I have chosen you two to stay after on Saturdays and work as partners in AP potions. This is a honor because this is usually given to select seventh year potions students. You must keep this a secret because I'd not let it get out because of expulsion. So agreed?" My Dad asks you and Hermione. You and Hermione nod.

"Are your her father?" Hermione asks Dad.

"Yes but I don't expect to treat you like a favorite. You are a student. I'll treat you like one. Remember that. I may be tougher on you but I would never aim to harm you," Dad said, kissing you forehead. "Now both of you got to lunch and eat." Then pushed us out the door.

"Yn, did you see the Neville melted Seamus's pewter cauldron?" Draco asks. You nod while laughing.

"I hope I learn to fly," you said quietly. Draco puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you towards a poster. It reads
'Flying classes will start on Thursday with Slytherin and Gryffindor. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw will start next Monday' you head to the lunch table and sit with Pansy.

"Draco, should date me. He must because I'd die if he didn't. Wouldn't you, Yn?" Pansy asks you as you were about to sit.

"Um actually I don't care. He's more a brother to me so I'd rather stay friends. I'm not in charge of him so I don't care really," you said.

"I want to though. He seems nice," Pansy says. You nod before you head to history. Thursday came faster than usual. You basically run to the flying field.

"Ok, first years, just say UP," Madam Hooch says to us. The was a chorus of up. Your broom jumps into your hand. Your wolf whimpered. Midnight has been allowed to accompany you during the school days and classes. You see she desperately wants to fly with you.

"Later, Midnight. And Stay. Don't move," you say to her. Madam Hooch mounts her broom so that the end of it is just brushing the ground. you copy her and kick off the ground. You're happy that you're in the air. You reach higher and higher into the sky and its amazing. You straighten the broom so you're just hovering about 50 feet in the air. You see a broom and chase it as it climes higher. You're just about to get it but the wind blows pushing you away from it. You get mad so you keep going and grab the handle pushing it down. You can't see the class anymore since you're too high up. You're soaring with the two brooms. I should head down. So you put yourself in a 300 feet dive to the ground. You're gaining speed as you begin to see the class. Draco and Ron sees you and point as you speed down. You're loving the dive. You end up twisting out of it two seconds before You crash.

"Ms. Potter, come with me now!" You hear Madam Hooch yells. You stumble after her and meet an angery father.

"You could've hurt yourself!! Didn't you think of what you were doing?" Dad keeps yelling. After about two hours of nonstop scolding, You are sent to dinner.

Pansy is talking to Draco and You head to the library for some peace. You see your brother alone there. You walk over to him as You see he's poured over a book of Magical Wizard Families During The 20th Century.

"Hey, Harry," You say.

"Hi, sis," he responds.

"Trying to find out about Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah. I was trying to see if there was more news about them."

"I do remember Mom had red hair and your green eyes. Dad had our black hair and my black eyes. I think they wanted the best for you. They died protecting you. I was in a different room. I don't think I'm really you sister," you say finally.

"Well maybe not by blood, but by love you are to me. I may not had the best uncle and aunt, but I have you as a sister and that's more than I can ask for. I have someone I can finally confess to, love, share, and final protect. You may not see it now, but I'd do anything to protect you. Just like my Dad would want me to-" then Harry tried to stop tears from falling but failed. You moved closer and hugged him and he hugged me back and won't let go. You kiss his forehead and sit with him as long as he needed. I won't let anyone hurt him you vowed. You head down to dinner with Harry hanging on to your arm. When you and Harry get down to the great hall, you have a hard time to dislodge him from you. You kiss his forehead and lead him to the Gryffindor table and then go to Slytherin's.

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