Year 5-2

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

Once you got off the train, that's when trouble started. You see bat-winged horses standing in front of the carts. You get into one while Draco sleepily stumbles in after you.

"Have you seen the horses?" You ask.

"What horses?" Draco asks.

"The ones with the bat wings?" You say. "They're greyish and have a whistle type of neigh," you added.

"Ah. Dunno what they're called," Draco says.

"Oh, you mean the thestrals?" A dreamy voice perks up behind you.

"That's what they're called?" You asked turning to help balance a white-blonde girl into the cart.

"Yes, my papa and I have seen them," she said. "Oh, this is not where I'm supposed to be." The girl looked around and then hopped off the cart.

"Well, that was strange," Draco says.

"She's nice, I like her," you say.

"She's delusional, I hate her," Draco retorts.

"Oh well, I hope the fest is good," you say getting off the cart. Draco bumps into the thestral and bounces off it.

"There's something here and I don't like it," Draco says, distractedly.

"It's invisible to you?" You ask.

"Wh-yeah. That thestral thing," Draco says. "Let's go in, I'm cold." You follow Draco and enter the Great Hall.

"My dear students, we have yet another great-" Dumbledore begins.

"Ahem," a woman in all pink says interrupting Dumbledore.

"..." Dumbledore says in response. The whole Great Hall went silent as well.

"I, Delores Jane Umbridge, will be your new Defence Against Dark Arts teacher. I will be referred to as Professor Umbridge. I also am delighted to see such bright faces. I will-...I am glad you are so excited to start this new semester. Please, begin the feast," Professor Umbridge says to the, now sleeping and snoring, students of Hogwarts.

"Wow, I didn't think she could talk any longer," you said to Draco while yawning. "Draco?" You look to see Draco fast asleep with his head in his dish while Crabbe and Goyle were slowly stirring.

"Mmh?" Draco says sleepily.

"Never mind, Draco," you say digging into your platter of food.

*Le time skip brought to you by Umbridge's never-ending speech*

"Today class, we will not use our books. Instead we will use these instead," Professor Umbridge says while handing out books titled: The Magical Means of Cats and Care Taking.

"Why can't we learn about defending ourselves from dark magic?" You ask after you raised your hand.

"Because, there simply isn't a reason to learn about dark magic when there isn't any to begin with," Professor Umbridge states.

"Oh, are you saying Vol-Voldemort is not real?" You ask bravely saying He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's name.

"You really are such a silly girl. I shall deduct a hundred points from your house immediately," Professor Umbridge states gaining groans from the Slytherin house.

"It isn't fair!" You shout back.

"Well, honey-dear, life isn't given to you on a silver platter," Professor Umbridge says sweetly.

"No, I agree with you. Revenge is served best on a silver platter," you boldly say causing murmurs and whispers to start.

"You're very brave to be standing up to a teacher like this. Or very stupid. I'll take the latter, stupid girl," Professor Umbridge says, nearly spitting.

"I am a bold and brave person," you say. "It take a weak person to find fun in insulting another person," you add.

"Well then, sit down. You little Mudblood," Professor Umbridge spits at you causing the whole classroom to gasp.

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