Year 2-3

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

The student happened to be Ginny Weasley. She has a crush on your brother but would die before she said it. Harry, on the other hand, fell for Hermione instead. Professor McGonagall took Ron, Harry and you to the hospital wing to see Hermione and repeatedly said not to worry. Once we got there, you noticed a paper in Hermione's crunched fist. You struggled to get it out of her hand and read it.

"Uh, Harry?" You ask.

"Yeah? What's up Yn?" He asks. Ron left because he knew we wanted time alone together.

"I found out what was attacking the students."

"What is it?"

"Something by the name of a basilisk."

"What's a basilisk?" Harry asked.

"It says a basilisk is a mythical creature that can turn its enemies to stone or freeze if seen at a glimpse. It's major fear or enemy is the rooster or cockatrice," you read.

"Who's the heir of Slytherin?" Harry asks.


"Who's the heir of Slytherin? That's what I asked," Harry said.

"What's the relevance?" You asked.

"I don't know. The wall said it."

"What wall?"

"The ones in front of the entrance to the chamber?"

"Oh! Yeah that message. What-oh! I don't know. Let's find out!" You shout dragging your brother to the library.

Once we got there, you and Harry bombarded Madam Prince by Harry asking her a really long winded question and you slide into the restricted book section. You scanned the backs of the the books and found what you needed. You ran to Madam's desk and  checked it out under Snape's name and ran out. Madam Prince and Harry return, Harry had a spell book and Madam Prince was really angry. She turned to Harry, said something and Harry ran out.

"Did you get the book?" Harry asked.

"Yes. It was Dark Wizards That Started Hogwarts and Their Heirs, right?" You asked.

"Yep. Who'd you sign it out as?"

"Professor Snape." Harry nodded and we shot out of the hallway. You and Harry ran to potions and begged to be partners so we could talk about our plan.

"What about the basilisk? How do we find a cockatrice?" Harry asks, while putting the powdered rose stems in the potion.

"I have a feeling we could get the Hufflepuff house head, Professor Sprout. Or we could get Hagrid's creature knowledge," you suggest as you dump the slugs into the portion.

"Hmm, maybe. But remember the last time we did that?" Harry asks as he stirred the potion.

"Yeah but we could go before bedtime. We have about two hours before," you say as you start chopping the frog liver.

"Right! Hey we could get permission from our heads to go to the library and then..." Harry said but was cut off as Longbottom's and Weasley's cauldron explodes. Professor Snape scolds them and deducts the 10 points each from Gryffindor. You look at Harry and nod. You and Harry decide to meet at (a/n midnight in the hanging tree, sorry not sorry) the library at 8:00 pm. You grabbed your bag and ran out of the room.

*le time skip to 7:50pm*

You head to the library when classes parted for study hall. You ran to the library and waited for Ron and Harry to arrive. While you waited, Madam Prince came up to you and asked if you could ask Professor Snape if he was almost done with the Dark Wizards That Started Hogwarts and Their Heirs.

"No not yet. But will be done soon," you respond. Hoping she wouldn't suspect that you had it and was planning on reading it. She nods and escapes to the restocked section of the library. Harry comes up behind you and said Ron was too tired to come.

"Hey Harry?" You ask.

"Yeah, Yn?" He responds.

"Did you bring parchment paper?" You ask.

"Yeah. How much do you need?" Harry asks, pulling out a big stack of it.

"That will be plenty." You respond. The book wasn't big so you put your wand the book. Replicate, you thought. The stack of parchment was then filled with notes front and back. It took up 100 pages. You pull out all the pages that were written on and turned them into a replicated book. You then put the book in the return pile of books and write a quick note saying thank you. Then, you run back to Harry and duplicate the book.

"Okay here's the book that's duplicated. I made sure we could keep it. So the heir of Slytherin is Salazar's offspring: Tom Marvolo Riddle. I'll do research to find more about him," you say. You gather your bags and run to your common room.

*Le time skip because I'm crazy*

Once there, you open the book. "Let's see what Tom Marvolo Riddle is about." You scan the pages finding information or anytime Tom's name is mentioned. You quickly copy down that he was the one who prosecuted the person who opened the Chamber of Secretes and got an award for it. You walk to the Gryffindor dinning table and spot Harry.

"Harry!" You cry out. Harry turns to your voice.

"Hey, Yn! What did ya find?" He asks. "I have some news too."

"Yeah!" You drop to a whisper. "So I found that Tom Marvolo Riddle got an award for finding the culprit that opened to Chamber of Secretes. He was also payed off not to mention who it was. He also was affiliated with Salazar Slytherin. He also-"

"He also ratted out Hagrid," Harry cuts you off. "Hagrid opens the Chamber of Secretes. That's why he was expelled."

"How are we to find Ginny?" You ask.

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