Year 7-7

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"I believe in the goodness of hearts. Not the evilness that dwells with in it," you retort.

"Then you are weak. The good will always hurt you," Astoria snaps. "You're too blind to see the glory of evil," she adds.

"Just because I tend to see the goodness doesn't mean I don't see evil. I just won't let it take over," you snarl.

"It's up to Draco to choose. I really hope you die for the sake of myself," Astoria says.

"Well if it is your choice, Draco, choose what your heart wants," you say.

"I'm sorry, Yn, but I choose Astoria. I'm afraid you're too late to change me," Draco says and then proceeds to kiss Astoria as if that sealed the choice.

"See, you're nothing but a worthless little-" Astoria snarls.

"Oh, she's not worthless. She's all that matters right now," Mr. Malfoy says.

"Can I kill the boy?" Bellatrix asks.

"Of course," Mr. Malfoy says grinning nastily.

"Dobby shall save Harry Potter. Dobby is a free elf. Dobby won't let you do this. Hold on Yn!" Dobby the house-elf says grabbing both Harry and you. All four of you were transported to the field outside of the Burrow and Dobby slumps against Harry.

"Dobby!" Harry shouts.

"Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter. Dobby will do anything for Harry...Potter..." Dobby croaks out as a blotch of crimson starts to grow.

"NO!" You gasp horrified.

"Dobby! Why?" Harry screams shaking Dobby's lifeless body.

"Harry, I-" you start.

"I can't go on! Why has everything been ripped away from me! I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!" Harry sobs in to your shoulder.

"I'm still here, I'll always be there for you, Harry. I won't leave you alone," you say comforting him.

"I just wish I was normal," Harry whined.

"I know. I wish that too. Do you need some time alone?" You ask thinking about giving him some space.

"No! I just want to hug," Harry says wrapping his arms around you. You hug him back and stay like that until the sun dipped beneath the horizon.

"Not to ruin the moment, but I'm freezing," you state.

"Yeah," Harry hums.

"I get stone!" Fawkes shouts.

"What stone?" You ask.

"Stone grave," Fawkes chirps.

"Great idea!" You say as Fawkes hops away. Storm started digging a grave and you magically make flowers grow when Harry laid Dobby down and covered him.

"Heavy! Help!" Fawkes whines.

"Okay, I'll take it," you say picking up the oval stone Fawkes had dragged.

"Sculpere!" Harry says and words start forming on the rough surface of the stone.

"Rado," you say as the stones surface smoothes over and shines.

"There. It reads: here lies Dobby, a free elf," Harry reads a loud.

"Don't be sad," you state.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"Because it was his greatest honour to save you," you say smiling sadly.

"I don't want to be saved by so many people! I want to save them!" Harry whimpers as you and he walk into to the Burrow.

"Harry, Yn?" Molly gasps.

"Hello," The male says by Molly's side.

"Arthur, dear, can you go set up Ron's room for the Potters?" Molly asks.

"You're now a Potter?" Harry asks.

"Apparently so," you say.

"It's done," Arthur says. You trudge up to the room and set down your stuff.

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