Year 7-6

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"I am not going to sit her as you rip my lover away from me with pain!" Draco snarls.

"Aww you love her!" Bellatrix taunts in a squeaky voice.

"Wait! I have an idea!" You hoarsely say.

"What?" Draco says.

"Obviously, pain doesn't actually hurt her so let's...hug her!" You say grinning.

"Wait? What are you doing?" Bellatrix shrieks and then disappears in a cloud of black.

"Or not," you say.

"I hungry," Fawkes whines.

"I know, me too," you say.

"Well, at least I got to see you," Draco says.

"You know, I would've thought you and Astoria would've been together now," you say.

"No, I killed her," Draco says lazily.

"You WHAT?" You ask.

"No, I was kidding. My dad did. The business tie was cut," Draco says wiping his eyes. He walks forward and cups your face in his hands. You move his hands away and looks at him.

"Which side are you on?" You demand.

"I want to be good," he says.

"Then be good," you say. Draco then cups your face again and places a delicate kiss on you lips.

"I've been waiting for too long to do this," Draco says looking breaking away.

"Why'd you end the kiss?" You whine.

"Oh, so your not mad that I broke up with you because of Astoria?" Draco asks.

"Did you do it with her?" You ask.

"What? No! What makes you think that?!" Draco says looking shocked.

"Then nope," you say.

"Uh, why'd you ask about it?" Draco asks.

"I want to to be special when it happens," you say.

"You know what? I love you," Draco says.

"What happened? Why did you want to become good?" You asked.

"Love. It's what love does to people. It hurts more than heals if one is away from their true love," Draco says.

"Well, I miss you a lot. I wanted to comeback to school, but dad won't let me," you say.

"I think it's for the best," Draco says kissing your forehead.

"But what about you?" You asked.

"I-I'll manage," Draco says.

"Be safe," you say. Draco tries to put his hand on your shoulder but Fawkes snaps at his hand.

"You no hurt," Fawkes squeaked.

"I promise not to hurt her," Draco says.

"I see no truth. You bad. You mean hurt," Fawkes quipped.

"What do you see, Fawkes?" You ask.

"He means hurt now. Promises not useful. He hurt you soon. No believe him. I war see. War after he nice. Not soon. I you protect," Fawkes says.

"You're lying?" You ask Draco.

"No! I'm not! That bird is!" Draco protests.

"I not lie, I truth speak. Yn, he bad. Away you stay from. Unease now. No rest. War after good. No now," Fawkes explains.

"I gotta find Harry, I'll catch up with you later," you say backing up away from Draco. You trust Draco but you trust Fawkes with your life. You run to the dungeons to find Harry still there.

"Yn! Hermione and Ron disapperated and left me here with you," Harry explains. Storm sniffs you and growls.

"She's growling because of Draco. I was with him and Fawkes warned me not to stay just yet," you say.

"Get the prisoners and bring them here!" Bellatrix's voice rings out. You and Harry were roughly grabbed and dragged out of the cell. You then were thrust on to the floor to see Draco with Astoria by his side.

"I you told, I no lie," Fawkes points out.

"I'm so gullible sometimes," you whine.

"Gullible not, yes trusting," Fawkes soothes.

"You're a lier," you snarl.

"No, he isn't a lier. You're the one who fell for it," Astoria taunts.

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