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Genesis 22:9-18

After three days of travel, Abraham said they had come far enough. Then he told Isaac to climb onto the altar.
Isaac looked at his father. He saw in Abraham's eyes the love his father felt for him. Isaac chose to trust Abraham. As he lay himself down, Isaac asked God to keep him safe.
Abraham stood over Isaac, holding the knife high. He was just about ready to kill his own son when an angel said, "Abraham, Abraham!" Abraham stopped, his hand in mid-air. "Don't hurt the boy. You have shown how much you trust God with everything, even the life of your special Isaac."
Abraham looked and saw a ram whose horns were caught in a nearby bush. That was the offering God had provided.
The angel called down from the sky again. "Abraham, God says because you trusted Him so much, He will make your family as many as the stars in the sky. All the other nations in the world will be blessed through you."
Isaac and his father hugged each other. Both father and son were happy just to be together.

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