Fire and Rain

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Elijah lifted his hands up toward heaven. He prayed calmly and slowly, so eveyone could hear, "Oh Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, show us that You are God. I am Your servant. Answer me, Lord. Show this people that You are Lord, Please answer now with Your fire, I pray!"

Suddenly the fire of the Lord fell from heaven! All the wood and stones and dust and parts of the bull were eaten up by the fire. The heat was terrible. It did not matter that everything was wet, it caught fire anyway.

"Look! Fire is falling from the sky! the crowds screamed. The people yelled, "The Lord, He is God!"

King Ahab's knees knocked together in fear. Elijah told him, "Go, eat and drink, for I hear the roar of thunder."

Ahab did as he was told. He hurried home before anything more terrible happened. Now that the people of Israel had said they believed the Lord was God, Elijah hoped God would bring rain.

He told his servant to watch for clouds. At first there was nothing. Time after time Elijah told his servant to go look. Finally the servant said, "Look! There's a cloud size of a man's hand. It's coming up from the sea!"

Within moments the sky grew black with clouds and wind. Water poured down. The people raised their hands and cheered. Finally, after three years, they had rain!

But God worked yet one more miracle. As the rain gushed down from the clouds, Elijah started running across the countryside. He ran as fast as he could. The hamd of the Lord was on Elijah! God's Spirit came upon Elijah in power. He turned him into a super-runner! He ran faster than the horses pulling King Ahab's chariot. He ran faster than the wind. Elijah ran so fast, he arrived in Jezreel before the king did!

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