A Wall of Waves

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Moses tried to calm the people. "Don't worry," he said. "Today you will see God in action." The people were too scared to listen.

   God said, "Why do you cry out like that? Moses, raise your staff and the sea will split. There will be a wall of waves on both sides. The water will not touch you. Pass through the see with the people. I will protect you. When the Egyptians try to follow, I will make the water crash in on them and they will die."

   Moses raised his staff. A strong east wind blew the water so it stood straight up. A path formed in between the two walls of water! In the darkness, the people and all their sheep and cattle ran between the waves. They could hardly believe what was happening.

   In the morning they were safe on the other side. When Pharaoh woke up, he shouted, "If they can cross dry land in the middle of the sea, so can I!" Pharaoh and his troops plunged onto the path. They were halfway between the shores when God told moses to raise his staff again. Moses did, and with a mighty crash the water plunged back down!

   Pharaoh, his six hundred officers, all the chariots, horses and other soldiers were swept away in the flood. At first the people of Israel heard their cries. Then all they saw were dead bodies, washed onto the beach.

   The people of Israel saw the great power of the Lord. They said, "Yes, God will be our Leader!" The long journey ahead of them no longer looked so terrible.

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