The Wise Woman under the Palm Tree

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Many, many years passed. The people of Israel forgot their promises to Moses and God. They worshipped other gods. So the Lord allowed their enemies King Jabin and his General Sisera to conquer them.

At that time the Lord had sent a woman named Deborah to be a judge over Israel. God had blessed her with wisdom. She loved the Lord God very much. She often told her people to listen to God and obey Him. But most of them just laughed at her.

As a judge, Deborah listened to all the problems of the people. When Deborah held court, she sat underneath a big palm tree. Then all the people stood in line. They waited to talk with her.

One day Deborah sent for Barak, an Israelite soldier. "Barak, you are to take ten thousand men. Lead the way to Mount Tabor. When General Sisera hears you are there, he will bring his chariots and troops. We will fight a great battle and defeat him at ghe river."

"Well, all right. If you say so, Deborah. But I don't want to fight this battle unless you're there, too."

Deborah smiled at him. "Is your faith in God less than your faith on me?" she asked. "All right. Because you did not trust God, though, He will give the victory to a woman instead of to you."

When the day of the battle came, Barak led his troops. Deborah raised her hands and prayed on the mountaintop. God caused many things to go wrong for Sisera's soldiers into the hills. The people of Israel had won!

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