A Prayer from the Heart

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Hannah walked to the tent where the priest made offerings to God. She did not know what to do. She knelt down and put her face in her hands. Her lips moved as she prayed. The tears streamed down her face.

"Oh Lord," she prayed quietly. "I want a baby so badly. Please, God, if You would give me a little child, I would give him back to Yu. I would bring it here to be raised by Yours."

As Hannah prayed, Eli the priest watched her. He saw her lips moving. He heard no sound. Hannah's eyes were red from crying.

In those days, thwre were not many people of Israel who went to Eli's tent to pray. Those who did, prayed out loud. Some who came to Shiloh had come just to eat and drink. The priest saw Hannah's red eyes and her lips which moved. He thought she had had too much wine to drink.

"You there!" he yelled at her. "You shouldn't come here if you're drunk."

"No, my lord," Hannah gasped. "I'm not one of those drunken people who stumble in here during the feast! I'm just very, very sad."

As Eli came closer to Hannah, he saw that she spoke the truth. "Go in peace. I hope God gives you what you've asked for."

Hannah bowed her head. "Thank you for your blessing sir." As Hannah walked away, she felt the weight of aorry and shame lift off her heart. Whether or not she ever did get a baby was up to the Lord. She knew now whatever He decided would be the best for her and Elkanah.

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