The Wild Man in the Graveyard

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Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39

When Jesus and his disciples landed their boat, they saw something very strange. There was a man who had evil spirits living inside him. 

    He was not in control of himself anymore. He had no clothes on. His hands and feet were bloody from wearing chains. He was dirty and could not speak for himself. He lived in graveyards and wandered about in the mountains like a wild man.

    When he saw Jesus, he ran and fell on his knees in front of Him. Jesus could tell that the man was not in his right mind. He said, "Come out of this man, evil spirits!"

    A herd of pigs grazed nearby. Jesus commanded the spirits to leave the man and go into the pigs. The evil spirits obeyed. As soon as they entered the pigs, the pigs ran over a cliff. They fell all the way down, into the sea.

    The men who had been watching over the pigs hurried back to town. When all the people came to see what had happened, they saw the crazy man sitting quietly at Jesus' feet. He was dressed and in his right mind again.

    The people grew afraid of the power of Jesus. They begged Him to go back where He had come from. 

    When He and His disciples climbed back in the boat, the healed man begged to go with Him. "No," Jesus told him, "go home and tell how much the Lord has done for you." 

    Sso the man told people in all the nearby towns how Jesus had made him better. And all the people were amazed.

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