A Strange Way to Cross a River

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Elisha stood watching as the prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven. It was an amazing sight! Fiery horses ran across the sky. They pulled a chariot so bright, it could have been on fire. Elijah rode in the fiery chariot. Wind howled in Elisha's ears. He shaded his eyes with his hands, the light was so bright. Sand blew in a whirlwind around him.

Then suddenly it was very quiet. Elisha lowered his hands and looked up. Elijah was gone. The sky was empty, the wind still. Elisha looked around him. He was alone.

He bent down and picked up Elijah's cloak. Then he turned to face the Jordan River. He took the cloak and struck the waters.

"Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?" he called out. As Elisha struck the water with Elijah's cloak, water reared up into wall of waves. Elisha corssed over a strip of dry land. When he reached the other side, the waves came down with a crash.

Elisha's wish had come true. God had given him the same spirit of a prophet as Elijah had had. Elisha the prophet was ready to go wherever God called him.

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