The Healed Leper

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Luke 17:11-16

As Jesus passed through a certain village, then lepers waited to meet Him. They had heard He might come that way. They hoped that He might heal them.

Because they were lepers, they were not allowed to stand near the road. From a distance they called out, "Jesus! Teacher! Have mercy on us!" They wore hoods over their heads and scarves across their faces. This was so no one would have to look at the awful sores which made them lepers. They begged Jesus to heal them.

Jesus pointed back to the town. "Go and show yourselves to the priests." This was another way of telling the lepers they were healed! Only people who had been healed were supposed to go to the priests.

The men did as Jesus told them. As they walked toward the temple to see the priests, they felt a strange thing happening. Blood tingled through their arms and legs. A strange warmth went up and down their backs. One man pulled his sleeve up and saw the skin growing back healthy.

He shouted, "Praise God! Praise the Lord God Almighty! I've been healed! I'm all better!"

Then he turned around. As fast as he could, he ran straight back to where Jesus was preaching. He fell at Jesus' feet and grabbed hold of them. "Thank You, oh thank You!" he said.

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