Jesus and His Friend

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Sometimes when John the Baptist preached, a group of religious leaders would watch him closely. They wanted to know whether John was really a prophet sent from God. "Who is this strange man preaching in the middle of a river?" they asked each other.

The religious leaders asked John, "Who are you?"

John said, "I am not the Christ." John knew that Jesus was the Messiah, or Christ.

"But why are you baptizing then, if you are not the Christ or the Prophet?"

"I baptize in water, but there is One standing in the crowd now. I'm not even good enough to be His slave." The Pharisees looked around. They saw no one who looked important.

A few days later John saw Jesus in the crowd again. He called out, "There is the Lamb of God. He takes away the sin of the world! I've been using water to baptize you with, but there is someone here who will baptize you with Gos's Spirit! He is the Son of God, but you don't know Him yet!"

When the Pharisees heard John, they grew even more confused and angry. They watched Jesus move through the crowd. "It's bad enough that John has so many people following him. If this Jesus becomes even more popular than John, our problems are bigger than we think." They decided to keep an eye on both John and Jesus.

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