Joseph Must Work Hard

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Joseph Travelled with the slave traders a long, long way. "Lord God," he whispered in the hot sun. "I don't know what it will be like in Egypt. I may have to carry stones so the Egyptians can build their pyramids. But Lord, I know wherever I am, You will be there. Please help me." 

   At night while he stared at the stars, Joseph prayed for his family. "I think I know why my brothers did what they did. I was acting too proud. I'm sorry, Lord. Please take special care of my brother Benjamin. And please  keep father safe so that someday I might see him again." 

   After many days of travelling, the caravan arrived at a big city. They sold Joseph at a slave market. When Joseph saw his new master, he knew God was taking care of him.

   The man who bought Joseph was called Potiphar. He was rich, but more important, he was kind. Joseph would not have to haul bricks for the pyramids. Instead, he could work in Potiphar's house.

   Joseph worked hard for Potiphar. He tried to find things which needed to be done. Every time he did a job, Joseph wanted it done right, so God would be pleased.

   At first Joseph kept the house clean. Then he watched over the work in the fields and made sure the meals were cooked right. Soon Potiphar put Joseph in charge of everything he owned. All Potiphar had to do was decide what he wanted for dinner every night!

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