Who Will Kill Sisera?

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When General Sisera saw he had lost the battle, he ran away. He searched for a place to hide. He spotted the home of one of King Jabin's friends. "Ah," he thought, "these people will hide me."

A woman came out to meet him. Her name was Jael. "Come right in," she said. Sisera did not know it, but secretly, Jael hated Sisera and his army. Jael gave him some milk, then she covered him with a blanket

General Sisera fell sound asleep. Jael tiptoed over to his side. She carried a tent stake and hammer in her hands. Jael killed General Sisera.

Meanwhile, Barak was looking for Sisera. As he came to Jael's tent, Jael went out to meet him. She told him what he had done.

Barak brought Jael back to Deborah and to the army. All the people of Israel cheered wildly. They called out "Who killed Sisera?"

Barak looked at Deborah. The credit for Sisera's death must go to a woman. He held Jael's hand up high so the crowd could see her. "This woman! Jael killed Sisera!"

All the people of Israel cheered Jael. Deborah and Barak told them, though, it was the Lord God who had won the war for them. They even sang a song about God's victory.

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