A Temple for the Lord

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Perhaps the most important thing Solomon did was to build the temple of God in Jerusalem. The huge building took seven years to build. It would last four hundred years.

Cedar wood and golr covered the temple, inside and out. The best bronze smiths, artists and sculptors made beautiful figures. They covered the ceiling and walls with bright designs.

When the temple was finished, Solomon called together all of God's chosen people. Th priests brought the ark containing the Ten Commandments. They placed it in a special room inside the temple. A cloud which covered the Lord came down upon the temple then. The people knew the Lord was very close to them.

Solomon prayed, "God, thank You that I was able to build this temple for You. Thank you that my father David planned it. But even this temple is not good enough. No place is big or high enough for You. You made the earth and the sky. Please, Lord, let this temple be a place where we can always find You."

Afterwards God appeared to Solomon. He said, "If you do what I tell you, I will live in this temple. I will listen to the prayers of the people who come into this place."

Solomon also built a magnificent palace for himself. This palace took thirteen years to finish. His throne room was like no other, made of gold and jewels.

Then he built a beautiful place for one of his many wives. This was the daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh. Solomon needed many workers for these building projects. All the men who belonged to former enemy tribes became Solomon's workers, as did his own people.

Solomon was very rich. Every day he ate out of golden bowls and plates. He uaed golden knives and forks. His cups were made of gold. Even his clothes had golden threads sewn into the fabric.

The most important part of Solomon's reign was how he judged the people with fairness. He wrote, "Let the mountains bring peace to the people. . . . May the king . . . save the children of the needy and crush the one who hurts them." More than anything else, Solomon wanted to take good care of God's people. He was able to do this, as long as he followed God's laws.

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