A Chance to Survive

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After Mordecai received his reward, the queen went to the king for a second time. Again, she was risking her life. If the king did not hold out his golden sceptre, it meant she would did that very day.

As soon as Esther saw the king, she threw herself at his feet. She wept and sobbed. The king held out his golden sceptre. She was safe! "Oh, please! Is there any way my people can be saved from Haman's terrible order?"

Esthet knew that once the king had ordered something, it could not be stopped. The king had an idea. Hw sent for Mordecai. "Mordecai, you have my ring now. Send out another order, one which can save the Jews."

Mordecai ordered, 'All Jews are allowed to fight back when their enemies attack them on the battle day."

As the news spread, the Jews were overjoyed. Many people who were not Jews wanted to become Jews. They knew who the winner of the coming battle would be.

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