Do You Know How to Be Salt?

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Matthew 5:1-12; Luke 6:20-23

The people who heard Jesus were asstonished. This was like no teaching they had every heard before. IT made them feel loved and wanted by God.

    "You are the salt of the earth,"

Jesus said.

    "But how can we be salt?" they asked each other.

   The answer is that ordinary people are the ones who make the world a special place. Mothers and fathers raise their children. The peacemakers try to bring the people together. People who work hard then come home and play with their children, all these people stop the world from wasting away. They are just like salt because salt helps keep meat from going bad or wasting. And salt makes food taste extra good. Ordinary people, not the rich or powerful people, can change the "taste" of the world from abd to good.

    "You are the light of the world. You cannot hide a city on a hillside," Jesus said. He knew the lights of a city would always be seen off.

    No one hides a light under a bucket. That would be silly waste. So, too, people who follow God in their lives should not be afraid to do the things Jesus says. Every man, woman and child who loves God, can show others what God is like. They do this by loving the people around them.

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