A Bad Time

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There once a woman named Naomi. She was one of the few people who still liked to pray to God. When she married, she moved away from her home. Then her husband died.

As Naomi raised her boys, she taught them about the Lord. When they were grown up, her sons married. The girls they married belonged to the Moabite tribe. These had been enemies of Israel for many years. This did not seem to matter to Naomi, though. She loved this girls as if they were her own daughters.

Then the two sons died. Naomi and the two young wives were left alone. Oh, it was a very sad time or the three women! The wives were called Orpah and Ruth. They lived with Naomi and helped in any way they could. But there was not much food in the land. The three woman could not find enouh to eat.

"My daughters," Naomi said. "I have heard there is food in the land where I grew up. That is far away from here. My people were one of the tribes of Israel. I'll go there now, but it would be better for you to go back to your own parents. They'll take care of you. Maybe you'll even find husbands again."

The young woman said, "No, We want to stay with you.

But Naomi shook her head. "What will you do? I'm too old to find another husband. Don't be silly. Go back home." Naomi loved her daughters-in-law and wanted them to stay. But she also wanted to do what was best for them.

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