Trumpets and Torches

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Gideon thought to himself, "If the enemy soldiers are this scared, then we've almost won." Gideon bowed his head. He thanked God.

   Gideon hurried back to the Israelite camp. He woke up his soldiers and told them what he had heard. "we've practically won already. All we have to do is attack now, and take them by surprise if we make much noise as possible, they will think there are more than three hundred of us. Tonight, men, you will see how great the Lord is!" The soldiers waved their spears in the air and cheered.

   "Yes," Gideon said, "just  like that. When I give the sign, once we're near the Midianites, cheer as loud as you can. Yell out, 'For God and for Gideon!' That will scare them!"

   Gideon diided the men into three groups. He sent them out to surround the enemy camp. All was quiet. Not even the camels knew Gideon's troops were there.

   Then, suddenly, Gideon gave the signal. His men blew their turmpets. They shouted broke the jars that had shielded their lights, and blew their trumpets. It made a terrific noise! The Midianites thought a mighty army had come to attack them, They woke up with a start They ran away as fast as they could Because the noise came from all around them, though they did not even know which way to run. It was a mighty victory for Gideon.

   Gideon and his men lift their torches They drive every single Midianite Only a few got away. But even those few are not safe. Gideon and his men chased these last enemy soldiers a long, long way.

   "The Lord has hepled us win today," Gideon told the people of Israel. All the people bowed their heads and gave thanks to God.

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