An Expensive Meal

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Genesis 25:27-34

Many years passed and the boys grew up. They were both good at doing different things. Jacob was quiet, often helping at home and talking to his parents. Esau could hunt and catch wild animals.
One day, when Jacob was cooking a stew, Esau came back from hunting. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything all day.
"Quick, give me some of that stew!" he said to Jacob. He sat down on the other side of the fire from Jacob. He could hardly wait for Jacob to dish up the stew.
Jacob listened to his elder brother talk about how hungry he was, and he thought of a plan. Jacob knew there was one thing Esau had that Jacob wanted, and hay was Esau's birthright.
Because Esau was the eldest, Esau had a right to receive all of his father's riches and animals and servants after Isaac died. This right was called Esau's birthright. Jacob wanted that. So Jacob made a deal with Esau. "If you're really so hungry," Jacob said, " if you're really, really hungry, then sell me your birthright and I'll give you some stew."
Esau hardly heard what his little brother was mumbling about. Esau was hungry, he thought his stomach hard shrivelled up and died. He did not care what he had to do he wanted food. " Yes, all right, whatever you say. Give me some stew now!"
"Swear to it first," Jacob said. So Esau swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.

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