A Hundred and One Excuses

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Moses said, "Who am I? I'm not important enough to tell Pharaoh he should let our people out of Egypt."

God's answer to Moses was simple. "I will be with you."

Moses said "But no one will believe I speak for You. How will I show the people who You are?"

God said to Moses "I Am Who I Am. That is My name. Tell the people that. Tell them the God who chose them as a special people has sent you."

Moses was still not ready to do what God asked him. He made God angry by coming up with excuse after excuse. Moses said, "When I tell them who You are, they will not believe me."

"The older people, the leaders, will believe you," God said. "Just to prove that I am with you, ask Pharaoh if you may take the people on a three-day journey into the desert. Ask Pharaoh for just three days when the people can worship Me. When Pharaoh says no, then I can work miracles and strike down the Egyptians.

Moses said, "But what if they still do not listen to me?"

The Lord asked, "What is that in your hand?"

"My staff," Moses answered.

"Throw it on the ground," God said. When Moses did so, the staff became a snake and Moses ran from it. When God told him to pick it up again, Moses reached out and picked up the snake. Instantly, it became his, staff again.

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