Haman Is Hung

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The king was furious. He stumbled out of the room and into Esther'a garden. Haman threw himself at Esther's feet. He begged for mercy.

The king came back in the room. When he saw Haman clinging to Esther, he lost his temper. "You! How dare you attack the queen? Don't touch her like that!" The king'a guards came running. They took one look and knew Haman was not going to live much longer.

The king said, "Hang this man!"

Then King Ahasuerus gave Haman's house and all he owned to Queen Esther. Mordecai came forward. Esther told the king how Mordecai was her cousin, but had loved her like a father.

The king took off his special friend and gave it to Mordecai. Then Esther gave all of Haman'a property to Mordecai.

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