The Great-grandmother of a King

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Fo the rest of the barley harvest, Ruth worked hard in Boaz's fields. She always came home with more food than she needed.

Near the end of the harvest Naomi said to Ruth, "You're so young and pretty. Why don't we see if you can marry Boaz?" When Ruth agreed, Naomi said she had a plan.

That night Naomi sent Ruth off to see Boaz. Boaz was sleeping under the stars. Ruth crept up to him and lay down at his feet. In the middle of the night he woke up with a start.

"Who's there, sleeping by my feet?" he whispered in the dark.

"It's me, Ruth. I've come to ask if you would please think about maybe taking me as your wife. You're part of Naomi's family, after all. I need to have a husband. Boaz, you've always been so good to me."

Boaz sat up. "My dear, you are so lovely. Any man would be honoured to make you his wife. You're very special to come and ask me lile this. Yes, will you marry me?"

Ruth nodded and Boaz leaned over to kiss her. Boaz and Ruth smiled at each other. "Let me talk to the village leaders. We'll get married as soon as possible," Boaz said. He squeezed Ruth's hand. Then he kissed Ruth again and sent her home.

When Ruth saw Naomi, she told her the good news. The next day they told all their friends. When it came time for the wedding, it was a great party. All of Bethlehem was there.

As the years went by, Boaz and Ruth grew to love each other very much. The Lord blessed them with a little boy. Ruth and Boaz had Naomi move in wih them. That way she could help take care of her little grandson, Obed.

Obed grew up to be a good man. He loved god and followed His laws. Many, many years later, David, the great king of Israel, was born into Obed's family. So Ruth and Boaz, because of their loyalty and kindness, were blessed by God. They became the great-grandparents of a mighty king!

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