Jesus Walks on Water

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Matthew 14:22-27; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:15-21

After Jesus had fed the thousands, He told His disciples to climb back into the boat. "Go ahead of Me to the other side."

    Then he turned to the crowds. "Calm down, calm down." They were shouting and chanting His name. After all, He had found a away to give them free food. But Jesus said, "Now go on home." Even thought there were thousands and thousands of them, the people listened.

    After they were gone, Jesus went off by Himself. He climbed a nearby mountain and prayed until it grew dark.

    Meanwhile, the disciples had been trying to cross to the other side of the lake. This was not easy to do in the dark. The wind had changed and a storm had started.

    In the darkest part of the night, the storm went wild. Wind came from all directions at once. They were still about three or four miles from shore when John yelled, "I see a ghost! Something is walking on water!" But of course, it was not a ghost. The person they saw passing by the boat was Jesus.

    Jesus said, "Don't be afraid! It's just Me, Jesus!" The disciples huddled in the far corner of the boat. They were too afraid to believe him.

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