The Truth Comes Out

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Joseph looked at Judah on his knees. He say how scared Benjamin was. Then he told the servants, "Leave us. I want to be alone with these men!"

   The servants left the room. Joseph said, "I am your brother Joseph." They did not believe him. They were so terrified, they could not look or listen. "Open your eyes," Joseph said. He came closer to them. "I am Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt!"

   When Joseph said that, the brothers took a good look. Then they became even more afraid. If he really were Joseph, then he should kill them for what they had done to him.

   "No, no, don't be afraid anymore, brothers. Don't be angry with yourselves. God send me here to make sure there would be enough food for our family."

  Joseph's brothers stared at him with big eyes. 

   "Don't you see?" he said. "You did not send me here, God did. God made me ruler of all Egypt, over everyone but Pharaoh. This was all part of God's plan for taking care of our family. Now hurry back to my father. Tell him to bring our whole family to Egypt and to hurry. I will make sure you have enough to eat."

   Joseph threw his arms around Benjamin. He gave him a big bear hug and started criyng. He was so happy to see him again. 

   When Pharaoh heard the news, he gave the brothers many carts so they could bring their wives and children and things back to Egypt. Pharaoh was happy for Joseph.

   Before they left, Joseph gave the brothers many animals and other beautiful gifts. "Give them to my father," he said.

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