The Proud King

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Not all jews captured by the Babylonians ended up in the royal city. Many settled elsewhere in the Persian empire. This is where a beautiful Jewish girl named Esther lived. She had no parents and lived with her cousin, a man called Mordecai.

One of the kings of Persia was a man named Ahasuerus. His kingdom stretched from Egypt to Africa and included India.

King Ahasuerus was a very proud king. He liked nothing better than to show people how great and powerful he was. He spent half a year showing all the important people in his kingdom just how rich and mighty he was. They had seen his treasures and his palace, his horses and his armies. At the end of that time he gave a feast which lasted seven days.

All the people came to the king's garden party. They sat on couches made of gold and silver and precious gems. They looked at wall hangings woven with threads of gold. They dranked wine out of golden cups. They talked and danced around the fountains.

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