The Shepherds

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During that first night when Jesus was born, a strange thing happened. In the nearby hills a group of shepherds slept outside. Suddenly, a loud noise woke them and they sat up.

"Look!" one cried. He pointed to the sky. The others looked up. There was a bright light, bigger than any star. It seemed to get bigger as it came closer.

"Listen, listen, do you hear the music?" The others stopped talking about the light in the sky and were quiet. Far away, but coming closer, they heard singing.

Then the whole sky was filled with light. The shepherds saw an angel standing in front of them. The angel said, "Do not be afraid. A Saviour has been born tonight. You will know it is true when you see a baby in a manger."

Then suddenly, there were angels all around the shepherds! The angels sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to the men who please Him." The angel music was soft, but it seemed to shake the very ground.

The shepherds fell on their knees. They blessed God for letting them see and hear such special things. When it was dark again, they stared at each other. "Was I dreaming?" one asked. No, they knew it was for real. The shepherds gathered the sheep and headed for Bethlehem.

Aa they neared the village, they noticed the giant star was standing still over a certain hillside. Thet saw a cave there and noticed people inside. The shepherds went to look. There was the baby thr angels had told them about!

The knelt and worshipped Him as King and Saviour. Mary and Joseph watched. Mary knew she would never forget that night.

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