The Star That Led to the Baby's Cradle

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A while later, Mary and Joseph had some very important visitors. They were wise men from faraway lands in the east. They had seen the bright star in the niggt skies. They believed something great had happened. So they travelled a long distance. They went to King Herod in Jerusalem.

"We believe a King of the Jews has been born. We saw His star in the east. We have come to worship Him," they said to Herod.

Herod knew nothing about Jesus' brith. He asked the religious leaders, "Where is the King of the Jews supposed to be born?"

"In Bethlehem," they answered. They knew the answer because that was what the prophets had said many, many years earlier.

"When did the star appear?" Herod asked the visitors. Herod wanted to found out as much as possible about this new king. He did not want anyone taking away his throne. Herod was very cruel and thought of a plan. He ordered the wise men, "Go and honour Him. When you have found Him, come tell me. I want to do the same."

The wise men went to Bethlehem. They followed the star until it stopped. When they went into the house, they saw Baby Jesus in Mary's arms. They smiled and laughed. Their long journey had been worth it. They had found the King!

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