Terrible Plagues

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When Pharaoh said no, God punished the Egyptians for not letting his people go.

   God sent ten plagues to Egypt. Plagues are bad events in nature which happen to one area all at once. Pharaoh sent for his wizards and wise men to make the plagues go away. God only ended the plagues, thought, whenever Moses prayed to him.

   During the first plague, water turned to blood. When Moses stretched his staff over the River Nile, it turned into a river of blood. All the streams and canals, ponds and puddles, filled with blood. The fish died andthe river stank.

   A week later God told Moses to ask Pharaoh again to let the Israelites go. He told Moses to warn Pharaoh if he did not obey, God would fill the Nile with frogs.

   When Pharaoh said no, the frogs came by thousands. They climbed out of the river and streams and canals and covered the land of Egypt They even went into houses. People woke up to the sounds of "rib-it,rib-it" right in their ears.

   Pharaoh asked Moses to make the frogs go away. Moses prayed and the frogs all died. But Pharaoh still did not believe in God. He still would not let God's people go.

   Godsent gnats, tiny flies that bite. They were everywhere. The Egyptians had to cover their mouths whenever they talked. Otherwise the little flies got caught in their throats. Then God sent a plague of bigger flies.

   God sent diseases which made the cattle sick. The skin on people and animals turn red and itched.

   God sent hail and thunderstorms. The wind blew hard, and locust insects came in huge clouds. They ate every green leaf they found. Soon there was nothing left in Egypt except bare branches and twigs.

   Lastly, God caused the light of the sun to go out for three days. Instead of night turning into day, it was night, night, night and more night.

   God gave Pharaoh chance after chance. He would not change his mind. He still would not let the people of Israel go.After God made the sun go dark,Pharaoh was so angry he yelled at Moses,"Get out of my sight!"

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