The Weak King

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Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29

As Jesus travelled and taught, His dear friend John the Baptist was still locked up in prison. King Herod had put him there. This was because John had told him he should not have married his brother's wife.

This woman was called Herodias. She hated John. She wanted John the Baptist dead, If it had not been for Herodias, John would have been free.

On King Herod' birthday he held a big party. He invited all his friends, family, counsellors, generals and other important people who served him. The palace was full of people laughing and drinking and eating.

The musicians started playing a strange and lovely song. Everyone turned to watch a beautiful young woman started dancing. Her feet hardly touched the floor. She was more graceful than any dancer they had ever seen.

King Herod smiled, "That is the daughter of my wife, Herodias," he said. "Nobody else can dance like this."

Slowly but surely, the girl made her way over to Herod's table. She danced right on front of him. With a last twirl and toss of her head, she knelt before Herod.

The king felt even more drunk when he looked into her eyes. He said, "Ask me for anything you want and I'll give it to you." Then he promised with an oath which could not be broken.

The girl ran off to her mother, Herodias. She said, "What will I ask for?"

Herodias smiled wickedly. "Ask for the head of John the Baptist on a tray."

When the girl returned to the king and told him her request, the king was very upset. "John is a good man, how can I possibly have him killed?" he thought himself. He looked around. All the important people were watching him. Herod felt weak. "Very well," he told a guard. "Bring me John's head on a tray."

When John's disciples and friends heard that John was dead, they went to the prison. They claimed John's body so they could bury it. They went and told Jesus about John's death.

When Jesus heard that His closest of friends was dead, He grew very, very sad.

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