This Is How to Catch Fish

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After Andrew brought Peter to meet Jesus, the two brothers returned home. They were fishermen and needed to take care of their boats and nets.

Peter noticed a huge crowd of people coming toward him. They were being led by Jesus.

Jesus walked right up to Peter. He got into his boat and asked him to pull out a little way from the land. Then Jesus sat down in the boat. He began teaching all the people who lined the shore.

When Jesus had finished speaking, He turned to Peter. "Go out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."

Peter said, "Teacher, we worked hard all night and caught nothing. But all right, I will do as You say."

Peter dropped his net overboard. He started to haul it in again and got the surprise of his life. It was full to the bursting point! He called another boat to come and help him. By the time he and the other men had hauled all the fish on board, both boats were ready to sink.

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