Lot is Rescued

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Genesis 19:1-29

There were not ten good people in Sodom, but four. The only bright spot in the evil city of Sodom was a man named Lot. Lot was Abraham's nephew. He lived in Sodom with his wife and two daughters.
Lot met the angels, who were disguised as men. "Come to my house. There you will be safe from the mean people here."
The people of Sodom tried to hurt the angels, though. The angels told Lot, " You must come with us. The Lord cannot stand this bad place. He's going to destroy it! We will help you run away, but you must not look back!"
Just a few hours later, the Lord rained fire into Sodom. Lot and his family were safe, but Lot's wife looked back to watch. Instanly she became a tall stone!
God had kept His promise to Abraham. He took care of the good. people in. Sodom

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