The Big Secret

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After the banquet, Saul spent the night at Samuel's house. They slept on Samuel's roof since it was so hot. The next morning Samuel told Saul it was time for him to go home.

As the two men walked toward the edge of town, Samuel stopped. He turned to Saul and poured oil over his head. This meant Saul was a special man in the eyes of God. "The Lord has chosen you to lead His people and rule over them as king."

Saul bowed his head. "How can this be!" he wondered.

All that had happened seemed so big and impossible. How could Samuel know all this? The answer, very simply, was God had told him.

"Saul, when you leave here today, you'll meet two men woh will say, 'The donkeys which you've been looking for have been found.' Now return to your father, before he starts to worry."

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