Nothing to Eat

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Soon it was time to break camp and travel on.Before long,the people were complaining again. They did not like the hot sun. They did not like the lack of water and food. The babies cried, the women moaned and the men grumbled.

   When they had been out in the desert for about two months, the Israelites ran out of food. They yelled at Moses, "What have you done? There is nothing out here. Now we will all die. It's all your fault!"

   Moses said, "God will take care of you. Trust Him!" They would not listen. They were stubborn and wanted to feel sorry for themselves.

   Then the Lord spoke to Moses. "I will give the people bread in the mornings and meat in the evenings. They will rely on Me for what they need. They will learn to trust."

   The next morning, the ground was wet with tiny drops of dew. When the sun dried the dew, the people saw small white flakes of bread resting on the ground.

   In the evening a flock of quail birds landed around the camp. The people were able to catch as many as they needed. They roasted the birdsand ate the meat. Thanks to God, for as long as they would travel through the desert,the people would always have enough to eat.

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