The Lost Donkeys

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Samuel grew up to become a great prophet. He told the people what God wanted. There came a time, though, when the people were telling God what they wanted. They wanted a king.

"No, you should make God your King," Samuel said.

But the people would not listen.

"All right," Samuel said. "You will get your king. Now go bacl home."

At this time there was a very handsome man from the smallest tribe of Israel. His name was Saul. Saul's had lost some donkeys and sent his son to go out looking for them.

Saul and his servant searched high and low for the donkeys. They could not find them. Saul was gone many, many days. Finally Saul wanted to go back home. His servant said, "There's a man of God living near hear. He's very wise. Maybe we should ask him if he knows where the donkeys are."

The two men headed for Samuel's house. It just so happened that God had told Samuel the day before, "A stranger will visit you tomorrow. He is the one who will become king over My people."

Samuel spent all that day watching for the stranger. When Saul saw him, standing in the gateway, he asked, "Do you know where the holy man of God is?"

"I am he," Samuel said. "And the Lord had already told me about you. Your donkeys are safe. Come with me to the top of that hill." Samuel pointed. "There's a banquet going on there. You may eat at the head of the table. Some day you will become a very important man."

Saul could hardly believe what he was hearing as he followed Samuel up the hill.

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