Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Mothers Everywhere

Chapter Three w/ note :
{A/N : When I'm writing this, this is Mother's Day in the, tell your moms that I said Happy Mother's Day, and that I'm not causing you guys to freak out over a random story that is posted on the internet and making you lose your social life ;)}

Aria's P.O.V

"I see their plane right there. Why are they delaying on letting the passengers out?" Megan asked in an annoyed tone as she stared out the big window that the terminal had. You could see planes leaving and arriving, and you also saw the plane that they guys and Laura were on right this minute.

"God, it's cold outside," we both turned around to see Kyla coming up to us. She hugged herself as she sprinted, and then stopped in between the two of us, "Hello."

"Hello," Megan and I said in unison back.

"Is that their plane?" Kyla asked looking where Megan was just looking.

"Yeah, but they're not letting people come out," Megan rolled her eyes, "They've been here for about ten minutes, and I'm getting annoyed."

"What about you Aria?" Kyla nudged me in the side. A huge smile was shown on her face.

I shrugged, "I don't understand why they're not letting them leave the plane, either."

"Actually, she's treasuring these moments so she won't tell Harry her secret," Megan whispered to Kyla.

"Aria, you have to tell him sometime," Kyla looked back over at me, "You can't be like that girl in my fan fiction I'm reading that wouldn't tell Louis she was pregnant until, like, three months."
{A/N : Was Autumn in Rae's story three or four months when she broke the news to Louis? I forget...and yes, Kyla was 'reading' Separate Directions. I'm doing some advertising!}

"You still read those?" I rose an eyebrow.

"I get bored," Kyla replied, and went back to staring at the plane. I looked to the ground and studied my feet. There were a lot of fans outside waiting to see glimpses of the guys, and them getting pushed into a van. I was attacked by screams when I arrived at the airport. There were girls swearing at me, girls crying, and some shippers who were congratulating me on my marriage to Harry and complimenting my hair, shoes, and all the other things people may compliment you on, "So, where is Vivi, Charlie, and MacKenzy?"

"I got a text from Vivi," I pulled out my phone, "I got it ten minutes ago, and her saying she will be here in five minutes-"

"Hey!" we all turned around to see Vivian running up to us. When she reached us, she was out of breath, "Can you belive how many fans are out there? I couldn't get through the crowd without promising I will follow every person who tweets me today."

"You do know if you don't keep that promise, you'll get double the hate and be called a liar for the rest of your life from the One Direction fandom," Megan said.

"I can live with that," Vivian shrugged. She looked out the window, "Is that their plane?"

"Yep, and they're not leaving them out," Megan replied, "Which I don't get."

"Where's the two little ones?" Vivian looked around.

"They're sitting over there," Megan pointed over to the rows of chairs passengers sit in while they wait to board their plane. Over a few chairs were Zara and Ariana. They were coloring in one of their Disney Princess coloring books, and talking to each other at the same time, "We've been here for an hour. Might as well bring something for them to entertain themselves for a while."

My eyes grew wide, "An hour? I just got here twenty five minutes ago. You've been here for that long?"

"Talk about a die hard fan," Kyla said sarcastically, "I bet half of those fans outside have been here for an hour, too."

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