Chapter Forty Three

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  • Dedicated to Livian Shippers ;)

{A/N : Happy Birthday to Gemma & 5SOS! :D}

Chapter Forty Three :

"Harry..." I whispered.


"I can't sleep."

Harry let out a sigh. He took his arms off my waist, and sat up. I did the same. He looked at me through the dark. "Why not?"

"I have too much on my mind."

"Too much on your mind?" Harry yawned. I felt bad for waking him up, but I had to talk to somebody. And he was that somebody I needed to talk to. "Like what?"

"The baby."

"What about the baby?"

"What if...what if the baby dies? Or it doesn't like me?"

"The baby won't die."

"How do you know?" I asked, rubbing my hands along my stomach. "I could have a miscarriage, or-"

"Don't think like that. The baby will love you, and you'll be an excellent mother. Now, let's go back to sleep, yeah?" Harry said. He had a small smile on his face. I gave him a small smile in return, and we both laid back down. Our heads rested on the pillows as Harry pulled me close to him and had his arms wrapped around my waist. "Night."

"Night..." my voice trailed off as I stared at the wall. "Love you."

"Love you, too, babe," Harry replied.

After that, no words were exchanged until the morning. I kept my eyes on the wall, thinking about the baby. I don't know why I was stressing so much about him or her. I was scared, like any woman who was pregnant, and happy at the same time. I was going to be a mother. Harry was going to be a father. And together we would be a small family who cared and loved one another.

I then thought about Zara and Ariana. They were beautiful girls who were smart and adorable. I smiled to myself as I remembered how Megan told me that if I needed anything, she was there for advice. It was similar what Anne had said, about raising a Styles, and I began to worry about not living up to the expectations of being a mother. Harry said I'd be an excellent mother, Anne said it would be okay, and I began to think ugly thoughts about the public. What will the fans say? How much hate will I get? Will I be criticized on how I raise my child?

Then the thought of my parents came to mind.

Crap. I still haven't told them. I haven't communicated with them in such a long time, and it would be weird if I just call them and say, "Hey, mom and dad. Guess what? You guys are going to be grandparents!"

I closed my eyes and began to relax my thoughts. This was going to be a tough pregnancy for me.

Vivian's P.O.V

"You look beautiful," Liam smiled.

"Thank you," I replied, my face heating up as I returned a smile. He held out his arm for me to take, and I gladly took it. "What restaurant are we going to?"

"It's a surprise."

I frowned. "I don't like surprises."

"What? I thought you liked surprises?"

"Only certain surprises," I replied. We walked down the hallway and made our way to the elevator. The doors opened and the two of us walked inside. Liam pressed the button, and down the lift went. Small talk was created among the two of us. This whole trip was a little exhausting, even though we just got to Paris.

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