Chapter Sixty Three

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{A/N : Sweet lemonade...sweet, sweet lemonade.}

Chapter Sixty Three w/ note :

Louis' P.O.V (This is rare)

"You have to come out sometime."


"We're not going to cut a hole in your door and buy a tray to set your food on to push for you, so enjoy starving," I said as I flicked the door. Laura didn't say anything.

Seconds ticked by, then minutes.

"Lars, come out, come out wherever you are!" I said. I looked over at Niall to see him not even paying attention to Mission : Get Laura Out Of Her Bedroom anymore. He was on his phone. My best guess would be he was texting Kyla. "This isn't hide and seek."

Laura creaked the door open a tad bit and stuck half her head out. I only saw one of her hazel, almost green, eyes, half her mouth, and some of her black hair falling down in front of her face. "I would like a cup of tea, please."

"I'm not a waiter," I crossed my arms.

"Niall..." Laura's eye looked away from me and over to the Irish lad leaning against the wall on the otherside of the hallway. Niall looked up at the sound of his name. "Will you please make me a cup of tea? Thanks."

Niall nodded. "Sure."

I watched him stuff his phone into his pocket and head in the direction of the kitchen. "Seriously, Niall?" {A/N : Yeah, Niall, this isn't Truth Or Dare.}

"Yeah...what's wrong with that?" Niall asked.

"She can get it herself," I replied.

"Oh, can you also get me a couple of biscuits? I'm starting to get a little hungry," Laura said. She still had half her head sticking out of the door. You couldn't see the rest of her body except half her arm holding out the door.

"Yep," Niall sent a thumbs and turned back around.

"Thank you!" Laura said.

"You have got to be kidding me..." I mumbled. After Niall was out of sight, Laura went to close her bedroom door. I uncrossed my arms and pushed open the door. "Oh, no you don't. You are not closing this door, young lady."

Laura crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. She turned around to walk over to her bed, and sat by the edge where half the sheets and duvet were coming off. I closed the door a tad bit behind me, and walked further into the room.

"Do you not remember the conversation we had?" I asked.

"What conversation?"

"The one at the club."

Laura rose an eyebrow.

"Niall puking in the bathroom, you dancing with some guy, me pulling you aside to chat..." I said raising both of my eyebrows up. "Ring any bells?"

"Oh, yeah."


"We have to go."

"Why?" Laura was taken back.



"Puke. Bathroom. Too much. Let's go," I grabbed hold of Laura's wrist and pulled her over by the bathrooms. Laura made a face as she breathed in the stench coming out of the bathroom doors.

"But we've only been here, like, an hour," Laura said. "We can't leave."

"Well, we are," I said. "Wait here, I have to-"

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