Chapter Eighty Three

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Chapter Eighty Three :

Thanksgiving dinner at the Clarke household this year reminded me of the one Kyla's family puts together every November (everyone has a plave to sit, the table is decorated so nice that you feel under dressed, the food looks too good to be real) and the Thanksgiving holiday specials every sitcom seems to have (either no one shows up or unexpected guests show up with a pie or fork, something goes wrong for comical purposes, the food is ruined in someway).

Michelle Clarke had a mini scrapbook of her plans for the holiday. It looked like one a bride would have of her dream wedding, except it was filled with ingredients and table decor rather than dress designs and ideas for venue.

Almost everyone sat in the dining room. Kyla's uncle, my grandfather from my mother's side, and Uncle Frank's family sat in the living room to watch football.

I felt awkward in the dining room, surrounded by so many people. I felt nervous and insecure. Not to mention Baby Styles kicking and Harry's hand wrapped in mine under the table. But those two actions calmed me a bit.

Kyla sat across from me. She kept her attention down on her empty plate. I glanced over at Niall, and thought back to the earlier phone call from Charlie. I grew curious about Niall's plans to propose to my best friend, and wondered if he was going to do it while we were in Florida, how did he forget the ring back in England?

"I would like to give a toast and prayer of thanks," said my father, drawing in everyone's attention. He stood at the head of the table with a glass in his hand in a red dress shirt under a navy blazer. "Michelle and I are thankful for this turn out. We would like to say a special thanks to the catering co--"

"To Martin, Anderson, Alice, Harry, Macy, my wonderful parents, in-laws, and my lovely husband for helping prepare the feast," my mother stood up. Her red lips formed into a half genuine, half angered smile. "And to my baby brother, Matthew, who was able to drive to four different stores to get us a turkey."

She sat down after pointing her glass to Matthew and took a long sip. My father didn't seem surprised by my mother's surprise appearance in his speech. Probably because we all knew she would step up to say something at the mention of the catering company whose name shall not be said.

"And to the deer, who was brought to us by...well," he glanced to my mother before continuing. "If you like deer, we have that option for you. You will find that in the kitchen. Back to the thanks, I'd like to just say a thank you to my beautiful wife for bringing this together, for this food we have to eat, and to our two children who arrived safely here with friends. I now give this time for a moment of silence for us all to think of what we are thankful for in our lives and on this Thursday."

The moment of silence lasted for half a minute.

"Dig in," my father said.

Just as he went to sit down, Alexander stood up. He looked nervous, excited, and happy.

"Macy and I have an announcement to make," Alexander said. He reached for Macy's hand and pulled her to her feet. "We eloped."

I heard a gasp from my mother.

"It's sudden, yes, but we wanted to do it. We just couldn't wait to make our love official by marriage," Alexander continued. "A proper ceremony is not in the works, but knowing my mother and Macy's parents, we'll eventually have one."

He was about to sit down when Macy opened her mouth. I noticed her grip tighter onto my brother's hand.

"We'll eventually have a baby on the way, also," Macy said. She turned to Alexander. She wore a small smile on her lips, and her eyes were glossy with tears. "Surprise, I'm pregnant."

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