Chapter Fifty Five

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{A/N : Hello! As some of you may know, the account just turned two years old on May 29th. Rae and I forgot all about it, but we're still doing something special for the anniversary! I'm not going to tell you everything we have planned, because I don't want to spoil it, but there is going to be a small Q&A involved! There will be more information in the next part of the book. :)}

Chapter Fifty Five :

Aria's P.O.V

"It's so boring in here," Niall groaned. I leaned my back against the wall of the elevator and let my eyes close. "I'm starving. I wish there were vending machines inside elevators."

"That would probably be a bad idea," I replied. "The vending machine could weigh down the elevator, and elevators have weight capacities."

"So?" Niall responded. "Food doesn't weigh that much."

"But the actual machine that holds the food does."

"Well, they should at least have a first aid kit in here, for people in these types of sitations. But instead of bandades and gauze inside, there would be food and drinks."

"Even if there was a first aid kit in here, how would we be able to fnd it? The power is out, Niall. We have no flash lights," I kept my eyes closed. A few seconds passed before Niall said anything.

"Do you want to play a game?"

"What type of game?"

"Um..." Niall hesitated. "What about I Spy?"

"How would we be able to play that if the power is out and there is nothing interesting to look for inside an elevator besides buttons with numbers on them?" I opened my eyes and used my hand to push some of my hair back. I let out a sigh as my head rested on the wall. "Have you ever played that game where someone says a word and you have to say the first thing that pops into your head?"

Niall sounded confused. "What?"

"I've played this a lot when I was younger. It comes in handy on long car rides," I sat up. I moved my legs in a certain position so that I was sitting criss cross. My hands rested on my lap. "It's a really easy game. I'll start by saying a word, and you have to say the first thing that pops into your mind. Then it repeats until you get annoyed with playing it. Understand?"

"Sorta," Niall replied.

"Okay. I'll begin," I said as I began thinking of a word. "Rain."

It took a few seconds for Niall to respond. "Umbrella."




I laughed. "Um...Kyla."

"I'm done playing this. Let's play something else."

"Fine, I'll say something else," I frowned. "Ireland."

"I'm not playing, Aria," Niall replied. "I'm done."

"You're no fun," I muttered. Niall didn't say anything. I stretched out my legs, bumping into something. I'm pretty sure it was Niall, since he was the only other object inside the elevator besides my purse and me. "Sorry." Seconds passed and I grew bored. "Niall, please talk."

"What is there to talk about?"

"Um, you can tell me about the tour you and the boys did earlier this year," I suggested. "You know, the one where you five visited Australia, Asia, and South Africa."

"One The Road Again tour," Niall mumbled.

"Yeah, I think that's what it was called," I nodded as I said this, even though he couldn't see me. My feet made their way to his lap and his hands played with my shoes. "Harry has told me a few stories about it. I remember you telling me about how fun it was, too, along with the other three. It must be awesome being able to travel all over the world and meet people who adore you."

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