Chapter Sixteen

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{A/N : This is basically a filler chapter of what happens with George and Laura. Sorry if it is awful.}

Chapter Sixteen :

Laura's P.O.V

I sat on the couch scrolling through twitter when I heard a loud noise. I looked over at George, and he wore the same expression as I was. We both stood up at the same time, and tried to think of where the noise came from.

"Where do you think it came from?" George asked.

"I don't know," I said with a shake of my head. "I knew the girls went to their room, but I heard foot steps and a door shutting; so they're not sleeping like they're supposed to."

George nodded.

The two of us began to walk around the flat when the noise came again.

"The kitchen," we both said in unison.

We literally ran to the kitchen to see what was going on. I swear I could've started laughing when I saw the two girls with all the pots and pans out and spread along the kitchen floor. Ariana sat on one, and held a spoon in her hand. I have no idea how she got the spoon, and Zara was sitting on the floor with a pot on her head.

"What are you two munchkins doing?" George laughed as he walked up to Zara and picked her up. "You're supposed to be sleeping in your beds, not messing around in the kitchen."

"But...but we wanted to make bweakfast for mummy and daddy," Zara said in an innocent voice. I smiled, and picked up Ariana. Ariana dropped the spoon, and a loud noise came off of it once it hit the tile of the floor.

"You silly, little girls," I said tickling Ariana's stomach a little. Some giggles flew out of the three year old's mouth. "It's not morning. It's about eleven o'clock, and your parents will be home in a half an hour."

Ariana looked confused. "Half an hour?"

"Thirty minutes," George replied for me. Ariana still looked confused, but she seemed to shrug the question off. "How about, we tuck you guys into your beds, we clean up the mess, and then we can sing songs until you fall asleep?"

Zara smiled. "Yeah!"

Ariana nodded her head. "Can we sing daddy's songs?"

"Sure," George shrugged. "Why not?"

We took the girls to their bedroom, and tucked them into their beds. I swear, if Megan didn't keep their room clean for them, we would've died because of their stuffed animals and dolls. I swear, Liam and Vivian are the ones who spoil them the most with toys. Sure, Charlie and Kyla are always with them almost every minute of the day, but Liam and Vivian spend a fortune on toys. They have more toys than the average lawyer makes money a year. And they're only three.

"Now, you two better keep quiet or no singing, okay?" George said before turning off the light. They both nodded, their duvets up to their chins and cuddling with all of their stuffed animals. George smiled, and then flickered off the light. All you could see was the two night lights they had shining on the walls of the room.

"You're so good with kids," I said when we got into the kitchen. George and I began picking up the pots and pans, and putting them where they belonged. "I'm jealous. They love you more, and they have some of the DNA of my family."

George chuckled quietly. "They love you, it's just...they love me more."

I laughed. "True."

When we were done, I picked up my iPod from the counter of the kitchen, and we walked back to the girl's room. The girls immediately sat up when they saw us.

"Okay, what song?" I asked with a smile.

"UP ALL NIGHT!" the two three year olds screamed. I laughed. They knew almost every One Direction song, and they weren't fans from the start. But they were Zayn's kids.

I clicked the song, and the song began playing. We all screamed the lyrics, and I was a little scared for a moment that the neighbor's would call the cops, because that happened to Charlie. And let's just say, I didn't know what the end of the story was.

Twenty five minutes later, Zara and Ariana were both sleeping. We went through some of One Direction's first album, and we couldn't finish it because they fell asleep during I Wish.

I sat on the floor in the living room with my back leaning on the couch. George sat right next to me.

"They're bigger directioners than the first every directioners," I said. George laughed.

"We need to turn them into Jcats."

"Oh, please. They don't even know you're in a band."

"But they do know that I'm a singer."

"Who didn't win the X-Factor."

"Hey, if James Arthur wasn't there, I bet we could have won," George said trying to defend himself. I laughed.

"Oh, please. You're not that good."

George rolled his eyes. "You didn't even watch the season I was on."

"Because I was distracted by my best friend, Alex, and us travelling to the United States for a contest I won."

"To meet your sister."

I laughed. I looked at him. "Remember the day we met? I was so clumsy, and then you invited me for coffee."

George nodded. "I remember. You almost killed me with your walking skills."

"Blame the paps. They're shining lights everywhere, and reporters are in your face at award shows," I laughed. George did the same. "When you asked me for my number, I thought you were going to ask me on a date later that night."

George looked at me with a surprised look. "Really?"

"Well, yeah," I confessed with a shrug. "But then I realized that you're older than me, and that it would never be like that."

George nodded, and mumbled something. I couldn't quite hear what it was, but if it was important, he would have said it louder.

"Then we became best friends, I couldn't want to change that for the world," I smiled and hugged him. "We're going to be best friends until the end, Georgie."

"Yep," George said quietly. I laughed, and he pulled out his phone. "Um, I think I should get going."

"Why?" I was confused. He would never leave like that. I mean, I was usually the one who said it was time for him to get going and for me to go to sleep.

"I, uh, remembered the lads and I are recording tomorrow," George stood up. He grabbed his coat. "Bye, Laurie."

"Bye," I waved, and he walked out the door.

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