#1YearSinceTruthOrDare (Surprise Party)

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#1YearSinceTruthOrDare (Surprise Party) :

Megan : Okay, so we counted all the votes last minute, and I think it's safe to say that the boys lost and that Louis owes all of us girls twenty dollars.

Louis : How did we lose?

Liam : Probably because the girls hacked into Kat's note first.

Zayn : What was the score to anyway?

Vivian : You boys had thirteen votes, and we lost track on the girls' votes after thirty five.

Louis : This is so embaressing.

Harry : We never lose to anything.

Liam : Because we're One Direction!

Aria : Haha, okay boys. I think it's time for you guys to leave so we can plan the surprise party. Okay? Okay.

*5 Hours Later...*

Kyla : This place looks perfect!

Charlie : I still can't believe how Aria mangeged to invite every character in the book.

Vivian : Well, she did. I think she deserves a toast; not only is she the main character, but she brought every character Kat put in this series today!

Megan : Well, I think we can bring Kat in for the surprise. 

Aria : I know. Niall took Kat to Disney World for a week so far, and I'm scared to see if they bought too many penguins.

Louis : The party has arrived!

Zayn : Please make way for the Sass Masta from Doncasta everybody!

Megan : Did he pay you to say that?

Zayn : More like black mail actually.

Liam : Where's Kat and Niall?

Kyla : They should be here. 

Vivian : They're ten minutes late.

Aria : That little Irish leprechaun is so dead.

Niall : No need to fear, Niall is here!

Kat : What is going on? Why is Vic, Aunt Melinda, Andrea, Savannah, Linda, Bree, and all the other characters I invented here?

Everyone : SURPRISE!

Aria : We decided to throw a surprise party for you!

Kyla : Because today resembled the one year since you posted the prologue of Truth Or Dare, and brought all these characters to life!

Megan : And we wanted to thank you by throwing a party! We had the readers take votes to see who should plan it; the girls or boys...

Charlie : And the girls won!

Louis : Only because you guys got to hack Kat's notes firs-

Kat : I'm very touched right now that you guys would throw this party for me, but now hearing about the hacking my note, what's that all about?

Laura : Uh...

Kyla : Sorry for hitting you with a butter sock. Blame iCarly; that show influences way to many people. Especially when One Direction appear on the show and talk about socks filled with butter.

Laura : We just wanted to see who would throw the party better. We didn't mean to cause trouble, and-

Megan : Nobody died in the process. Now, if the boys won, I can see someone dangling from the ceiling right now with Niall stuffing his face with cake and nobody here.

Aria : But since the girls won, we got all the characters here.

Vivian : Are you mad?

Kat : ...

Zayn : I'm guessing she's mad...

Louis : See; I told you. She loves us better than you gir-


Liam : Not what I was expecting...but okay!

Louis : Seriously? She's going to die with all those characters hovering around her.

Harry : Admit it, Lou. You're just jealous that you couldn't throw the party.

Louis : I know; I had such big plans to if I could throw it.

Vic : Don't give up on your dreams, Lou. There's always next year.

Niall : Or the one year since the prologue of Hide And Seek.

Harry : How do you remember that? I mean, you forget everything.

Niall : I was the first P.O.V in the book.

Liam : It was a recap...

Niall : Still! Thanks for making me start to feel unspecial now, Liam...

Liam : Sorry.

Niall : It's fine.

Kat : And don't forget, we have the newest chapter of the book coming up and it can change everything.

Everyone : What?

Savannah : Am I going to be in it?

Louis : Heck no! I thought you died?

Zayn : I thought when we read Kat's notes that she made you get run over by a bus?

Harry : No, you're thinking of another book.

Vic : What about me? Can I appear?

Andrea : What about me?

Mrs. Martin : What about me?

Aunt Melinda : Throw me in the book as well! I never got to meet the boys.

Kat : Well, only time will tell. Now who wants cake?

Laura : Uh...

Kyla : I think we forgot to pick up the cake...

Charlie : More like we forgot to order it! Whose job was to do that?

Megan : Aria's.

Aria : Don't blame me! I was the one who brought everyone together!

Louis : See, Kat; this wouldn't happen if I threw the party.


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