Chapter Thirty Three

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{A/N : I didn't have time to write the author's note with Louis and Zayn. Sorry.}

Chapter Thirty Three :

Charlie's P.O.V

"What was that?" Louis asked as I let go of his hand. We were outside of the pizza place, and I began walking over to the car. Louis followed behind me. "Charlie? Are you going to answer me?"

"I need to pick up my brother from the airport," I replied. "Now, where's your keys?"

"In my poc-"

Before Louis could finish his sentence, I turned around and walked closer toward him. I reached into his pocket, and pulled out the keys. I smirked as he glared at me.

I turned back around, smirking to myself, and walked over to the car. I opened the door, and sat down in the driver's seat. Louis came into the car, and shut his door. We both put our seatbelts on, and before I could turn the car on, Louis began to speak. 

"I'm starving."

"Nice to meet you, starving," I joked. Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm Charlotte Flynn, but you can call me Charlie."

I turned the car on, and pulled out of the parking lot. Louis was looking out the window, arms folded over his chest. I leaned over and turned the volume to the radio up.

"I love this song!" I announced once I recognized the music. "Feeling like it's my birthday, like Christmas day came early, just what I want, so when we move, you move! Oh, silly! Why you afraid? Don't be a-" I stopped myself when I glanced over to Louis. "Why're you so grumpy, starving?"

"My name isn't starving," Louis muttered.

I reached over to the radio, and turned the volume down a little bit. I let out a sigh as the car stopped at a red light. I looked over at Louis. "Are you mad at me?"

Louis didn't answer.

"Lou..." I whined. "Please answer me...did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? Do you want to break up with me or something?"

Louis remained quiet.

"Are you mad at me because I took your keys before you could give them to me yoruself? Or are you just having a bad day? Because if you're having a bad day, my brother can cure it for you. You will love him. He's hilarious, like you, and can be a little charming at times, like you, but can get into loads of trouble, like you."

Still no response from my boyfriend.

Was he ignoring me on purpose?

I let out a sigh as I began to drive again, since the red light turned to green. A few minutes passed, and I turned the radio back on. I hummed to the songs that played, and sometimes groan when a song I hated came on, but still Louis remained silent. A One Direction song came on, and I began to sing. 

"Maybe it's the way she walked, straight into my heart and stole it. Through the doors and passed the guards, just like she already owned it," I turned the volume up, trying to get Louis to sing with me. "I said, 'Can you give it back to me?', she said, 'Never in your wildest dreams'. And we danced all night to the best song ever! We knew every line! Now I can't remember how it goes, but I know that I won't forget her! Cause we danced all night to the best-" I stopped singing. I looked over at Louis. "C'mon, Lou! Sing with me! Please?"


"Fine then, I'll sing the rest of it all by myself," I sighed. When Louis' solo was about to come up, I elbowed him. I smiled. "Lou, you're part is coming up. Please sing it? Or at least talk the lyrics?"

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